Anya Taylor-Joy

The Northman

A trip through director Robert Eggers’ filmography will be most useful for those experiencing his work for the first time. A word to the wise — marketing Eggers films to mainstream audiences is tricky, so his trailers are cut to sell you something you think you are familiar with. His debut “The Witch” was not

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In an extraordinary production directed by Marjane Satrapi and starring Rosamund Pike as Madame Curie, we hear the story of an eccentric scientist who won two Nobel prizes through much conflict and a certain amount of public hatred. She was the first woman to win a Nobel, notably being relatively unimpressed with it, but at the

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The one element of Split that should have worked above everything else was James McAvoy’s multiple personality performance. Writer/director M. Night Shyamalan returns after mediocre success with The Visit (2015), claiming Split was his most difficult shoot to date. The difficulty seems to be inherent as Shyamalan introduces too many components that detract from McAvoy’s

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