
The Outfit

Marketing might make “The Outfit” look like a Guy Ritchie film, but subtlety is the fashion trend here. Directed and co-written by Graham Moore, the “Imitation Game” writer/producer takes the reins of his first feature film. His directing style is steady and focused, slowly unveiling a mob mystery that all takes place inside a suit […]

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The Irishman

You can appreciate Martin Scorsese’s accomplishments and his lasting legacy in cinema without really loving his films. His latest “The Irishman” is a Netflix-funded mob flick that harkens back to his “Casino” or “Goodfellas” days, with a spattering of familiar cast. Given free rein by Netflix, the only studio who would (or could) give him

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The Kitchen

The film opens to the song “It’s a Man’s World,” signaling the theme of DC Comics dramatic “mobster movie” adaptation and its gritty 1978 setting. It would be easy to compare this all-female cast to last years “Widows,” but they are entirely different, with very different goals. McCarthy and Haddish both play down their comic roots,

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