The Kitchen

The film opens to the song “It’s a Man’s World,” signaling the theme of DC Comics dramatic “mobster movie” adaptation and its gritty 1978 setting. It would be easy to compare this all-female cast to last years “Widows,” but they are entirely different, with very different goals. McCarthy and Haddish both play down their comic roots,

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The Commuter

The time for questioning the motives of Liam Neeson’s choice in action movie scripts is over and now we must question his sanity. In his forth collaboration with director Jaume Collet-Serra (Non-Stop, Run All Night), Neeson once again takes part in a formulaic action movie that’s predictable and unrealistic. The Commuter commits unforgivable cinematic sin

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His follow-up to Carol is an ADD suffering viewers nightmare. Wonderstruck again promotes the inventive ways filmmaker Todd Haynes chooses to tell a story. Wonderstruck will likely divide audiences who can’t make it past the sharp contrast of two stories being told simultaneously; one is silent, in black and white, while the other in color

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