Jeff Goldblum

Jurassic Park: Fallen Kingdom

You can officially stop wondering or hoping if the modern “Jurassic Park” franchise will ever re-capture what audiences felt in 1993. These desperate sequels will never have the effect on a current generation that Steven Spielberg’s blockbuster did on ours. That said, Colin Trevorrow’s 2015 “Jurassic World” came close. “Fallen Kingdom” unfortunately lives up to […]

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Isle of Dogs

In the hands of Wes Anderson, a stop-motion animated film with mostly dogs as characters and an allegorical theme will captivate children and adults without pandering to either. Probably by coincidence, writer-director Anderson, with the help of Roman Coppola, Jason Schwartzman, and Kunichi Nomura, employ themes of topical relevance today: government corruption, foreign influences on

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When even the characters in the movie are projectile vomiting, you can imagine what audiences who actually paid for this will be doing. Writer David Koepp should really stop directing movies and stick to writing. This is his second failure writing/directing Depp (Secret Window). Mortdecai has far more problems than just the writing and directing.

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